Sunday, September 5, 2010
Another month has passed!
And a call for more prayer: One of my best friends from college is pregnant and this week found out they were having a boy. At the same time, they found out that he has a very severe heart defect that can only be fixed after delivery. Please pray for Stacy, David, Ella and baby Landin Callahan as they begin this journey and start to see specialists. This year has been full of miracles in our family and I know that with prayer, God will provide. So please pray for a miracle for the Callahan family! Thanks!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
On a beautiful Thursday evening...
Sunday there was a 5k walk/run for our cousin Danelle and her family following the early (really early) birth of their triplets. It was warm and we all figured that he'd walk as much as he could then walk back...Adam finished the entire 5k!!! AMAZING! Great job Adam!!! Keep up the hard work!
And on this beautiful Thursday evening, he was re-united with his baby girl, Sadie! Such an awesome time to have her back home and in our presence! What a true blessing she really is. We all missed her, but I don't think we all realized how much until she was home!!!
Thanks to all for the continued prayers for Adam and our family! Everyday I'm still amazed at the wonderful support the community has given. It's also amazing how many people will see him in public and come up and talk to him/our family and just let us know how good it is to see him up and moving! Thank you to all the family, friends, community members and strangers that helped get him to where he is!!! There is no doubt in my mind that God had quite a few angels with him that night!!!
And there is your quick update! Night all!
Here's a pic of Adam during the walk and of his contraption!

Monday, July 26, 2010
Another day, another week!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A few inquiries
Saturday July 24 1:00pm to 10:00pm or ? Come out for a day in the country.
Featuring food, drink, and live entertainment. We'll be roasting hogs and serving up iron kettle chili, hot dogs, and bonfires. Entertainment by Tennessee Rebels, Lude Entertainment, Bob Gettinger and Coda. Bring your lawn chair and set a spell or dance the night away.
Admission by advance ticket purchase only. Just 500 tickets available; so don't delay. Adults $20, Children under 12: $5 each at the gate.
Where? The Elkhorn Ranch (near Larwill) From Col. City take US 30 to 1 mile west of Larwill to Binkley Rd (Countryside Antiques) turn right/North, go 1 mile, watch for signs.
Tickets available at Big G's and Orizon Real Estate in Col. City, Crossroads Bank in So. Whitley and Col. City or contact Kim Reiff, Mark Mynhier, Greg Fahl or call 260-248-6558.
Lots of information there, but it should be a fun day to get out and support Adam.
Adam continues to heal. His energy really comes and goes. Lately it's been gone quite a bit, but he continues to surge forward. Dr. Lazoff says that it's normal with head injuries and could take 6-8 months for it to steady out. So in the mean time, he's (Dr. Lazoff) is going to continue to keep him on his current work schedule and have him do some more OT/PT to keep up his range of motion with his arm and build up some endurance in PT to help with his energy levels. They also drew some blood today to make sure that it's not a metabolic problem and is just the result of hitting his head "REALLY HARD!" He will see Dr. Lazoff at the beginning of August to re-evaluate things. I can say this about him...he's a trooper! He continues to go, go, go! But they said today, it's time to take it easy a little! I think he's just ready to feel "normal" again...then again, what is normal?! Surgery for his arm has been scheduled, so that's just another bump in the road.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers as he continues to heal. It's crazy because he looks so good when you see him, but as a nurse I know that on the outside you can look great and your body is still healing on the inside. And for him, this is the case! Thanks everyone!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
4 months ago...
For the time being, he remains "out of therapy." He was to meet with Dr. Lazoff this week, but he (Dr. Lazoff) got stuck in Texas so Adam will see him on Tuesday and that appointment will determine if he needs further therapy at this point. Like before, it will also determine if he gets to up his hours at work, but so far, he's doing good at work!
Yesterday he met with Dr. Wright (his shoulder doc). He determined that Adam's shoulder is quote "A MESS" unquote. So shoulder surgery will be scheduled for sometime in July. From what I gather (I wasn't able to be at the appointment due to work) they will be doing a shoulder scope and will go in and anchor one of his posterior shoulder ligaments back to his glenoid! So basically they will re-attach a ligament to the back of his shoulder joint! Dr. Wright says that by doing this, it should fix all the pain he's been having. It'll also cut back on the arthritis he'll eventually get (probably when he's in his 60's), but if they don't fix it, the arthritis will come much sooner!
So that's where things stand! He's doing great! He continues to have a great outlook on things! He knows his limits and isn't afraid to let you know when he's tired or when enough is enough! I'm pretty sure he's enjoying being back at work too! We would have never thought that 4 months ago he'd be this far progressed! And I'm sure that the many of you that gathered with us around his bedside and in the waiting area 4 months this morning wouldn't have thought so either. But with that said, we are thankful to a wonderful God and to wonderful family and friends that kept and continue to keep him in their prayers! I'll continue to keep you posted, and one of these days I'll get you a recent photo of him on the blog. He looks WONDERFUL! Thanks for your continued prayers! You all have been so WONDERFUL and supportive and we can't say thanks enough!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
It's been a while
Saturday, June 12, 2010
3 months ago yesterday...

Monday, June 7, 2010
Good News Monday!
After having Sadie for the weekend, last night we went to Bdubs for our normal sibling outing! How awesome it felt to walk back into Bdubs after so long without Adam! Made me so proud to see him up and walking and being himself! One thing is for sure, he didn't loose his sense of humor through all this! Just another reason I'm so very proud of him!
Today he had his first of MANY appointments this week! Today was his occupational therapy evaluation. He blew them away! They said he looks great and is functioning very well for his injuries. They said that they would probably meet with him twice a week for 2-3 weeks and then he'd be done! Absolutely incredible to know he's this far along after only 11 weeks! God sure did look out for him!
Adam has a lot ahead of him this week! Lots of appointments to get him started in his therapy here in Fort Wayne. He's got appointments every day but Thursday I busy busy busy he will be!
And lastly, thank you to all of you who continue to follow the blog and keep us in your prayers! Thank you doesn't even begin to describe how grateful we are to you all!
For those of you that have followed the last couple of posts, my cousin Danelle and her husband Jason lost two of their triplets this past week. Elliott and Gabriel went to be with the Lord. Continue to pray for them as they continue to fight for their little girl Gemma's life. So far she is stable and holding her own. Thanks ahead of time for your prayers!
Pictures to follow later this week!
Friday, June 4, 2010
How time flies!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
One step back
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Home at last!
I did get a few shots of him arriving off the plane in FW. Adam, his Dad and Diane from Workman's Comp arrived almost before we did. Jake and I made a mad dash to meet the party as they hit gound.
Russ, Tony, and another wonderful fellow (who's name I didn't know) met the group as they landed with a banner "Welcome home Adam". All of us were reduced to tears!
Since their landing, we've all been busy. Shepherd's asked that we keep 24/7 on Adam a few days until he is settled at home. We are to gradually allow him time alone, which I'm sure he is ready for as we wish him also to be. He's been followed by someone 24/7 for so long, I'm sure it is frustrating for him.
We are all taking turns staying at Adam's house, he's had visits with Sadie, Grandpa Lemmon, and Rodney and his family. Jody Morrissey and Jana Reeg stopped Friday night to say Hi and welcome him home, all much enjoyed and appreciated.
Adam continue's to improve, but tires easily. Nap times are usually in the afternoon. I'm sure he'd welcome the familiar faces of all of his friends and fellow co-workers, drop by and see him...
I'll attempt to get to get the pictures of his landing posted soon when I catch my breath... I about died today mowing his yard by push mower! I'm used to riders, so this was a new experience, but it's done and I have to say it didn't look to bad!
Lots of hugs and well wishes to all of you, have a good weekend!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Almost time!
Mike called about 3:30pm and they were at the airport waiting. He said Adam was tired, but trying to take a catnap while waiting. Their flight takes off at 7:30pm so they had a long wait ahead.
I think today was one of the longer days I have had. I'm sure Adam has had more than I have, but it will sure be nice to have everyone home. Thanks to everyone who kept me busy today and making the day seem shorter. :)
I'm taking the camera along to get shots of their arrival and will post them tomorrow.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Count down begins!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wednesday's News from Atlanta

Hello all, Mom stepping in for Carrie. As you can see I'm having issue's with placing the photo's. I thought they'd land at the bottom of the post, NOT, but at least I got them to upload!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What a journey this has been. Not something we ever want to go through again, nor would we want anyone else to have to go through this either, but nonetheless, a journey! I'm sad to say that I won't be able to welcome Adam home! I'm off on a vacation I planned back in December, but the good news is, I'll come back refreshed ready to keep Adam on his toes! :-) The blog will be handled by Dad or Mom while I'm gone! Enjoy their outlook on things! Tonight I leave you with some pictures from the County Employee's Wellness walk Sunday!

And one from this weekend with Derek, Jaime, Joey and Gale

Sunday, May 16, 2010
A long weekend
Mom attended the walk/run today for County Employee's. This years walk/run was dedicated to Adam. Once again, we are blow away by the amount of support YOU ALL have given Adam. You all are amazing people and I pray that God bless you as much as all of you have blessed us! Thank you!
Tonight I leave you with a quote that has been on Adam's facebook page for a while, but it's a quote that in the early days of Adam's accident that someone pointed out to me....and I think it pretty much sums up why he chose to serve our community!
"Make a place in your heart for those who put service above self; For they understand that freedom requires a sacrifice that the protected will never know."
Thank you to the many that protect us on a regular basis. Thank you to those that protected Adam the night of his accident. You will never know how much your sacrifice meant to us that night.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
More good news!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Rehab day like 400!!! Not really!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Currently my short-term memory is very close and getting better each day. As humans we all forget information, so it's not uncommon for one to forget info they were given. So I am no different, however, I would forget simple info. I have disciplined myself to spend a few minutes daily thinking of past events, people, therapy, etc. Just to work on the memory. My memory is very close!! Word finding is also close...very close. I am talking fluently, using the correct words for a particular subject and completing statements. I am again taking initiative in speaking up on given issues for myself.

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Just another day closer!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Great News for the day!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
6 weeks, 4 days and still counting
From Dad: I saw improvement after the first week here and have seen a marked improvement the second week. This weekend we walked in the park area, uneven terrain, up and down stairs, went up and down escalators, crossed streets, stepped off curbs, went up and down ramps. He had no difficulty doing any of these. He has done well in the short amount of time he has been here. There are new people coming just about every day to the center. And of course, he has made friends with several!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Better late than never!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Such a wonderful photo of Adam...think he could be a poster child for the Shepherd Center!!! And look at his scar...looking good!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Movie Day...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A very down day...
Friday, April 23, 2010
day #4
day #3 at shepherds pathways
A note from dad...
The day was sunny and warm! You could break a sweat today!
His breakfast consisted of Fruit Loops, a granola bar and mountain dew. Ah! Life is good!
Adam and I sat outside for lunch today. He enjoyed the warmth of the sun and was more talkative today! He had ARBY’s and two Dunkin Donuts and a soda. Not a scrap of food left!
Adam seems to have a more positive attitude today, but still questions his therapists…but there is nothing wrong with that!
He told me that he rode a stationary bike today in therapy and racked up 1.3 miles. He was proud of that! He said it felt good! He did several heal to toe exercises. He told me that he did well in the “mat” class on mobility and his word/picture associations went very well! He went shopping this afternoon at the grocery to get food for next week’s breakfast and lunch. Purchases did included Mountain Dew and believe it or not fruit!
One of his therapists told him they would try and schedule swimming for him next week. He said he was looking forward to that! It sounds like Dad is going to attend some classes with him next week also...
Our evening together consisted of joining the group for dinner and spending some father and son time together. We sat outside enjoying the warm weather while he did his laundry. We finished the evening watching TV.
If you check out yesterdays post, you will also see a post from Adam under comments! So exciting to see. Biz and I landed in Knoxville, TN about 12:30am last night. The drive went very smoothly, pretty consistent traffic, but no traffic jams! We'll finish the rest this morning after we get moving!
Again everyone, thank you for your continued prayers and support for Adam and our family. The support has been overwhelming (but a good overwhelming). I just can't help but think that our community is absolutely one of the best around! Can't wait to update you all on what everything is like when I get there today!