Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today has already been a busy day for Adam! We've been up and went to church with Sadie and Papaw! It was absolutely wonderful to see the faces of those who have kept Adam in their prayers this whole time. Thank you Pastor Steve for your encouragement and words this morning. God really did perform a miracle through all this!

Adam has been pretty busy since he's been home. He had Sadie Wednesday night for a while. Thursday he had meetings and spent most of the day in Fort Wayne with Mom and Dad. On Friday he was able to go over to Depuy and spent about 4 hours with his boss and co-workers. When he returned back to CC he wanted to stop by the jail. So that he did. I finally returned home about 8:30 Friday night and got to see him! He looks great! I think you can hardly see his scar from the surgery unless you are looking for it!

Yesterday was the 10 week mark! I can't hardly believe it! I was able to spend the day with Adam and Sadie. Last night Abbie and Joe Bailey welcomed us over (along with Dad) for a cookout. We had a good time visiting with friends! Thank you Abbie and Joe for mowing his yard while he was away, for bringing him food, for your prayers and for your friendship! You both are a true blessing! Sadie had a great time running around with the other kids last night! I don't think she was ready for bed when we laid her down! She spent the night and didn't make a peep until 6:30 this morning, then she was ready to go, yelling "Daddy where are you!"

Rodney and his wife also came by last night with their little girl! I think Adam enjoyed the extra company! I'm sure he's sick of all of us already!! Ha!

This afternoon Ryan is picking Adam up and he'll go over to their house for a cookout. faces!

He really is doing wonderful considering where he was 10 weeks ago. He does get tired pretty easy, but knows when to say enough is enough. When Sadie lays down, so does he!

Thank you all AGAIN for your constant prayers, he still has a road ahead of him, but has/is making such great strides! This week will be filled with appointments with the doctors that will follow him now that he's back! And maybe we'll have to make a sibling outing to Bdubs!!! Have a great Sunday all! Pictures to follow after bit!

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