Monday, July 26, 2010

Another day, another week!

Time is flying and boy are we having fun! Adam is doing well. He had a big test this past week and passed 5 of the 7 areas that they tested him in. Dr. Goff said that this is great for four months post accident. The two areas in which he has deficients, she said that those are areas in which he will improve and won't be "missing" forever. She said that it may take up to a year to gain some of that stuff back. But for being only four months post head trauma he's doing great. She recommended that he start working a few more hours a day. However, his energy level right now is really LOW. He's had more bad days than good, where he feels blah and is just exhausted. It's normal they say, so he just keeps trucking along. He'll have surgery this week on his shoulder to repair that. I think that once that's done, maybe he'll start feeling a bit better! Please say some special prayers for him this week, for the surgeon working on him and for all the nurses/techs involved! Lucky for him, he's having it done where I work, and while I'm pretty bias, I know they will take GREAT care of him!!!
This weekend was his benefit. Once again, Whitley County is an amazing place to call home for many reasons, but today it's for the amazing support they've shown to Adam. We even had some out of towners from Chesterton, IN that made the trip to see and support Adam. To all of you who came, gave, in whatever capacity you supported, THANK YOU! You will never know how truly appreciative we all are that you have helped take care of Adam and our family throughout this WHOLE experience. Still to this day, I tear up when I think of the many people who have shown such support and love to our family. You honestly will never know how thankful we are. We can say thank you over and over again, but please know, it is something we will never be able to say enough! Attached are some great pictures from Saturday! Thanks to everyone! And a special thanks to the Committee Members: Greg & Ann Fahl, Bob & Tammy Gettinger, Mark & Meg Mynhier, Mike & Julie McEvoy, and Kim & Roxanne Reiff and the Elkhorn Ranch!


  1. Hey Adam! Hope surgery went well yesterday. See ya' soon.

  2. Dear Adam,
    Glad to hear your surgery went well. Just keep up the good work and do what the Dr. tells you to do. Be good!!!
    June Besson
