Saturday, July 10, 2010

4 months ago...

Time really does fly when you are having fun! I'm not sure the "fun" we started 16 weeks ago today was the "fun" that Adam or any of us would have asked for, but especially Adam, he's taken it stride by stride and remains positive about it!
For the time being, he remains "out of therapy." He was to meet with Dr. Lazoff this week, but he (Dr. Lazoff) got stuck in Texas so Adam will see him on Tuesday and that appointment will determine if he needs further therapy at this point. Like before, it will also determine if he gets to up his hours at work, but so far, he's doing good at work!
Yesterday he met with Dr. Wright (his shoulder doc). He determined that Adam's shoulder is quote "A MESS" unquote. So shoulder surgery will be scheduled for sometime in July. From what I gather (I wasn't able to be at the appointment due to work) they will be doing a shoulder scope and will go in and anchor one of his posterior shoulder ligaments back to his glenoid! So basically they will re-attach a ligament to the back of his shoulder joint! Dr. Wright says that by doing this, it should fix all the pain he's been having. It'll also cut back on the arthritis he'll eventually get (probably when he's in his 60's), but if they don't fix it, the arthritis will come much sooner!
So that's where things stand! He's doing great! He continues to have a great outlook on things! He knows his limits and isn't afraid to let you know when he's tired or when enough is enough! I'm pretty sure he's enjoying being back at work too! We would have never thought that 4 months ago he'd be this far progressed! And I'm sure that the many of you that gathered with us around his bedside and in the waiting area 4 months this morning wouldn't have thought so either. But with that said, we are thankful to a wonderful God and to wonderful family and friends that kept and continue to keep him in their prayers! I'll continue to keep you posted, and one of these days I'll get you a recent photo of him on the blog. He looks WONDERFUL! Thanks for your continued prayers! You all have been so WONDERFUL and supportive and we can't say thanks enough!!

1 comment:

  1. its great to see you doing so well, its hard to believe its been 4 months already...we are happy to have you home, hope to be able to attend the benefit in a few weeks, but if not, just remember we are still thanking of you on a daily basis
