Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rehab day like 400!!! Not really!

Talked with Adam tonight and will share a bit from him about his therapy today. He said that he had to do a bunch of balance exercises this afternoon on the balance ball. He also had some kind of exercise where the walls and floors moved, so he had to concentrate on balancing during the movement. He said that he tried to concentrate on other things to get through this exercise, but his therapists said that he is doing VERY well! He had speech therapy with another rehab participant today and he said that that guy is way worse off than what Adam was. But he could pick up on what the guy was having problems with. That's great that he's picking up on this stuff! He said his shoulder works with much less pain than before, even though he still has some and his range of motion is way better than before. After talking with his therapists, he realizes how lucky he is to only have a few little issues to work on after having a brain injury like him. He really is a lucky ducky and the MAN upstairs was really watching over him! He's getting closer each and everyday to being home. I absolutely CANNOT wait! I know that it has to be much harder for him to "wait" but I can't either! Thank you all again, for all your support! You are all wonderful!


  1. Is the camera guy "slacking" on the job these days? No photo today! Hope all is well in GA, keep Dad and Dewayne out of the pond! LOL

  2. Glad to hear things are progressing.
    Amy Lippe-DePuy

  3. Morning to the Schrader clan: Read the blog daily with excitement to hear of Adam's improvements. So happy for him as well as all the family. As my old friend used to say...Keep on Keeping on...you may get tired of hearing that from me, but I'm going to keep reminding you ...and some days I KNOW it is difficult....hugs to all, Pat & Bill Heinbaugh
