Saturday, April 24, 2010

A very down day...

Today Adam didn't have any therapy. We got there around 10 this morning, he was up eating breakfast at the kitchen table. We brought him some extra goodies...a Starbuck's muffin and a vanilla bean drink. Biz and I hung out for a while, then we hit up the outlet mall for the afternoon. Was able to get Sadie some summer clothes so that Adam will be set when he gets back to Indiana. Dad said him and Adam just watched TV this afternoon, even took a nap in the chair. We got back just in time to bring Dad some dinner. Adam had dinner brought in from a Chinese restaurant. He had Kung Pao Chicken. It was pretty good (we all had a bite of it to test it out for him!!! Ha!). I got a movie from Target this afternoon, so after dinner we watched "Law Abiding Citizen." We all enjoyed this action flick (however Biz says that her and I will stick to chick flicks from now on!!!) We also watched the last part of "Four Brothers." We then ran and got him some ice cream from "Brusters." If you think Dairy Queen is good, you should try this place! It's amazing with like 20 different flavors each day. They probably have 60 different flavors though, maybe even more. After we finished the movies and ice cream, Dad, Biz and I headed back to the hotel. It has been great seeing him. I will miss him and Dad bunches when I have to leave tomorrow. I know he's frustrated with having to be here, but he's a fighter and he's a very focused person, so if we can just turn that focus into some major determination, he's golden! He'll be home before he knows it! Alright, I did have a request or two about eating places down those include...Chili's, Applebees, Outback, Panera, Chick Filet, Chipotle, Red Lobster, and the normal fast food places too...and I'm sure there are others, but that's what I could think of right now. Dad got a rental car, so that gives him a chance to get to and from Adam a little more easily! Alright all, I need to post some pictures, but will try to do so tomorrow night after I arrive back at home. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Also a huge thanks to those that attended the Columbia Township Fire Department breakfast this morning. They were able to get some donations for Adam. Thank you to all who donated and supported the Columbia Township Fire Department!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Adam! We support you 100%! Keep up the hard work!!!
