Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another day filled with therapy for Adam. Dad, Mom and Dewayne joined him for lunch today and then tonight went to Fat Matt's with the group. It's a local restaurant that has ribs and BBQ. Dad said it was pretty good. Adam didn't have a lot to say about the type of therapies he did today though. Dad said they are still working on improving his memory and thinking. Dad did say though that his balance is great and his shoulder seems to be a little better. So he's progressing! Tomorrow Dad, Mom and Dewayne have to the be there at 9am to go through therapy with him! I think that will be good to see. It's been a very different experience since he's been there because we really haven't been able to see what he's doing and how he's progressing. When we were at Parkview, we saw his day to day therapies which helped us to see his progress. Since being there, we really haven't seen that side of it, so hopefully tomorrow will help! Keep praying that he stays strong and keeps progressing! I spent the evening with his little Sadie Cakes and he got to talk with her for just a bit. She kept saying "Daddy's House." I think she misses it there and I know Adam does. Can't wait for him to get back here with his Sadie!
Such a wonderful photo of Adam...think he could be a poster child for the Shepherd Center!!! And look at his scar...looking good!


  1. Stay positive Adam! You have LOTS going for you!! And Miss Sadie is so lucky to have a daddy like you! Such an inspiration to us all!

  2. So good to see his big smile back! Mandy

  3. THAT'S THE SMILE WE HAVE MISSED!! Have a great weekend. Hope you can relax a little.

  4. THAT'S THE SMILE WE HAVE MISSED!! Have a great weekend. Hope you can relax a little.

  5. Wow!!!! Looking good their Adam!!!!!

