Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another month has passed!

I didn't realize that it had been a month since the last post. It's amazing how time has flown, but how March 20th feels like it was just yesterday! At the beginning of August Adam got to spend 11 days with his beautiful little two year old! Sadie was a blessing and a bright light to have around. She's getting so big! Also in the last month, Adam has started working 4 hours a day at Depuy and it seems like his energy level is getting better each day! He's continued to have therapy (Speech therapy) a few days a week. He took a written exam for driving earlier this month and passed with flying colors. Last week he went back to his orthopaedic surgeon and he released him from his brace (wooohooo!). That was two weeks earlier than what was originally decided! This week he'll start occupational therapy with the orthopaedic people to get that shoulder moving again! We went to see an eye doctor in Indy a few weeks ago, she said that he had an injury to the optic nerve in the cortex of his brain. This has messed up some of his peripheral vision, but Dr. Lazoff seems to think that with some time it may get better! He constantly reminds us that Adam really is only 5 months post injury and while he is doing great, we have to remember that his recovery can take a year to two years to completely recover. We continue to appreciate all the prayers and support that we've had. Thanks especially to some co-workers of Adam's (I believe it's Dan and Dave) who have helped us by picking him up for work. Also thanks to DeWayne who continues to help us get Adam to therapy from time to time! We really couldn't have done or continue to do this without your help! Thanks again from the bottom of our hearts!
And a call for more prayer: One of my best friends from college is pregnant and this week found out they were having a boy. At the same time, they found out that he has a very severe heart defect that can only be fixed after delivery. Please pray for Stacy, David, Ella and baby Landin Callahan as they begin this journey and start to see specialists. This year has been full of miracles in our family and I know that with prayer, God will provide. So please pray for a miracle for the Callahan family! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Adam, you are doing fantastic.
    June Besson
