Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday's News from Atlanta

Hello all, Mom stepping in for Carrie. As you can see I'm having issue's with placing the photo's. I thought they'd land at the bottom of the post, NOT, but at least I got them to upload!

I talked to Carrie earlier today and she was off work and headed on her way to her vacation spot. She told me where, but I've forgotten already the smaller details, but I do know she said she'd text me when she lands late tonight. Maybe I need to check myself in for some of Adam's "memory" therapy.

Okay, the news from Atlanta today! We had a request from one of the county employee's, April Waugh, RN of a shot of the "Cupcake Factory". Well April, he found it and hopefully I'll figure out how to also include the photo's from today which included that shot (see above, I wrote this first then attached the photo's, the photo's landed where they wanted too!). Mike said they just about missed the shop while looking for it. If you want more details about whether he went in or not, or sampled any cupcakes, YOU'LL have to ask him... LOL

The guys also found the Krispy Kreme donut shop, the original one for Atlanta. Mike's quote, "Mmm Mmm good!" and "Adam sure liked them!" Not surprising, this family is big on a few things, chocolate, ice cream, and donuts.

I've also included a picture of Adam (taken today) and one of Adam with his case manager at Shepherd's, her name is Kendra. Kendra was responsible for Adam while there and was his sounding board if he had any concerns or issue's with anything pertaining to his stay at Shepherds, including therapy and things of that nature. Kendra also worked closely with his therapists and was responsible for helping make the decision to allow Adam to move to outpatient therapy and stay with his Dad at the hotel. As we all know she most likely had her hands full (just kidding Adam). We'd like to "thank" Kendra and all the staff at Shepherd's for a job well done and making it possible for Adam to return home as quickly as possible. They are a wonderful group of people, their love for their jobs was quite evident, and their results most remarkable.

Mike let me know that his schedule was already filling up back home. It sounds like he'll get back and hit the ground running. I'm sure he's as ready as Adam is to get back home.

He said it was 56 degrees and cool tonight. Ha, ha, we've been 56 or below how many days/nights now? I've even turned the heat back on a few nights to take the chill and humidity out of the house. We can only "wish" that we could get just as tad bit as warm as Atlanta might be! Bring some sunshine and warmth home with you boys!

On a personal note, I'd like to share something with all of you that have followed Adam's blog. My niece and her husband, Danelle (Schmitt) and Jason Ridge (son Marcus), are expecting triplets. Danelle is presently hospitalized in South Bend and may be there for some time. Grandma & Grandpa Lemmon and I travelled to South Bend today to visit with Danelle and my sis Carla. Please include their family in your prayers if you would, that Danelle and the triplets stay safe and healthy until their arrival. Carla has given me so much support (as did ALL my siblings) through all that we've gone thru with Adam even though she had her own daughter Danelle to worry about! Mom, Dad, Carla & family, to the families of Steve & Brenda, Steph & James, Joel & Shannon, "Thank You"............ Love you all!

To all our friends and the WC Community all of you have heard the "Thank You" from Carrie. However, we can't express enough how much everyone's support and prayers have helped us, so this one is from Mike and I, "Thank You"...... God Bless you ALL!


  1. Cathy,
    My prayers are with Carla, Danelle and of course that Adam of yours. Won't be long now until he is home with all of you and I bet Sadie will jump with joy when she sees her daddy. I have sure enjoyed reading the blogs everyday and its always so good when Adam writes to everyone. What a great guy he is and everyone is so proud of him the way he has progressed through all of this. When are the triplets suppose to arrive? Pray everything goes well for her.
    Love ya

  2. Schrader family, just to let you know we'll be praying for the triplets & their Mom, continuing to pray for Adam, as well as the rest of the family, including Adam's return home to IN :) Pat & Bill Heinbaugh
