Monday, June 7, 2010

Good News Monday!

Adam spent the weekend with Sadie. We played and played and played some more! She has more energy than the energizer bunny! But nonetheless we love her more than words can express! She's a joy to have around and fills our hearts with so much love! Adam had to take a few breaks here and there while having Sadie, but he rested when Sadie rested!

After having Sadie for the weekend, last night we went to Bdubs for our normal sibling outing! How awesome it felt to walk back into Bdubs after so long without Adam! Made me so proud to see him up and walking and being himself! One thing is for sure, he didn't loose his sense of humor through all this! Just another reason I'm so very proud of him!

Today he had his first of MANY appointments this week! Today was his occupational therapy evaluation. He blew them away! They said he looks great and is functioning very well for his injuries. They said that they would probably meet with him twice a week for 2-3 weeks and then he'd be done! Absolutely incredible to know he's this far along after only 11 weeks! God sure did look out for him!

Adam has a lot ahead of him this week! Lots of appointments to get him started in his therapy here in Fort Wayne. He's got appointments every day but Thursday I busy busy busy he will be!

And lastly, thank you to all of you who continue to follow the blog and keep us in your prayers! Thank you doesn't even begin to describe how grateful we are to you all!

For those of you that have followed the last couple of posts, my cousin Danelle and her husband Jason lost two of their triplets this past week. Elliott and Gabriel went to be with the Lord. Continue to pray for them as they continue to fight for their little girl Gemma's life. So far she is stable and holding her own. Thanks ahead of time for your prayers!

Pictures to follow later this week!