Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tonight I share with you what Adam has to say. He shared this letter as part of the Spaghetti Dinner tonight. Thank you so much for those of you that came out and supported him. Once again, I'm overwhelmed at the amount of love and support Adam has and how much our community really cares! It's a blessing to be a member of the Whitley County Community. THANK YOU!

Hello everyone... I first want to thank everyone for their support...any support and their prayers!! Though I'm down here, all your support helps, and believe it or not, much of it makes its way to me...sooner or later.
I especially want to thank everyone who was at the accident scene, to those who put '"Service above Self." Your character and unselfishness says a lot about you...thank you to all that helped. And thank you to those that made the scene to provide moral support.
I would like to share with everyone my current condition... Physically I am feeling really well. My once broken left shoulder is healing. I still experience shoulder pain when I attempt to take my arm to extreme angles or push/pull heavy objects. The swelling and bruising disappeared on my arm a few weeks ago...all looks normal. Due to a few different factors I have not slept well since I woke from my coma. Some days are worse than others. I know that lack of sleep can affect a person mentally and physically. It has affected me a bit. I've recently started a light work-out during therapy. I have been running on the treadmill and have done modified push-ups for the first time. April 9th stands out to me as the first day I comprehended info, recalled being awake, and being alert. I could walk with assistance, had shoulder pain most of the time and was fidgety. Currently I can run up and down the stairs, perform walking lunges, sprinting, perform jumping jacks and walk backwards while tossing a ball back-and-forth between someone. I can do all these activities on my own, and with much greater aggressiveness!! My physical "instinctual" reactions have also returned.
Mentally...According to medical records, I arrived at therapy as a 7 on a scale 1 to 10, 10 being recovered/normal condition. I am currently between a 9 and 10. My only remaining issues, according to rehab, are my short-term memory, which is very common among brain injuries and my 'word-finding', which means finding particular words, completing statements and talking fluently.
Currently my short-term memory is very close and getting better each day. As humans we all forget information, so it's not uncommon for one to forget info they were given. So I am no different, however, I would forget simple info. I have disciplined myself to spend a few minutes daily thinking of past events, people, therapy, etc. Just to work on the memory. My memory is very close!! Word finding is also close...very close. I am talking fluently, using the correct words for a particular subject and completing statements. I am again taking initiative in speaking up on given issues for myself.
Not including the shoulder pains, I am feeling like myself. My personality traits are the same and returned weeks ago. For those that know me, you'll identify those traits. :):)I never forgot daily tasks such as showering, dressing or eating, etc. Nor did I forget info that I took in years ago. I still remember driving directions, names and phone numbers... phone numbers I learned years ago, but haven't used in that long as well.
I was given my tentative exit date during this week. Tentative meaning, it can be scheduled sooner if improvements meet particular requirements. Some of you may know my exit has been re-scheduled for a sooner date. I will be home soon!!!
Each day here I have improved, and each day is one day closer to home, to my family, my Ms. Sadie and my wonderful friends. Each day is also a little harder being away from everything....away from life. I miss it all. Again, I want to thank everyone for their support!!
Take Care, Adam


  1. Hi Adam, great to your words! May God continue to bless and strengthen you. Bill & Pat Rubrake Heinbaugh

  2. Sooo awesome to hear from u and ur improvments! I can't wait to cu! God has been with u the whole way! Keep up the good work A! hugs
