Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A quick post...talked to Dad late last night and he said that Adam's day was pretty good. Said he's frustrated with being there, and when he answers something wrong, he'll say "Now they are just going to keep me longer since I answered it wrong!" Pray for his patience with the program! Pray for our patience too! Mom and Dewayne are on their way down today to spend the rest of the week with him and Dad. I will post more later when I get to actually chat with Adam over his lunch break! Thanks for all the continued prayers and for all the help. A special thanks to The Sievers' Family who will be helping me with the critters while Mom is out! Thanks again! Hopefully I'll get some pictures from Dad today to share with you all!


  1. Hey everyone...
    For those that read the posts...Thanks.
    As for me....I'm doing really good. My once broken shoulder is healing which affects me physically a little, as I have to make sure not over-exert my left arm. The strength in my left arm has increased alot as well as my range of motion once I loosen up my arm. Overall, it is doing very good, but will need checked again in the future to make sure things are ok.
    Mentally I am doing really good. I have not 'lost' anything. As my sister has said, I am a busy body, I speak fast, think fast and usually many things at once...just how I work. I am getting back to doing that, but for now thoughts are coming a little slower and clearer...that is driven by my brain healing and because of self-discipline. Body functions fron walking to opening doors, dressing...you name it, have not changed.
    It is so hard being here and feeling so well. I miss it all....my life, family, friends. I speak with my Ms. Sadie daily, and she talks so much now...more like a one-way conversation now, but still worth it. :)

    Take Care,

  2. Great to get a post from u A!!! You are doing better and progressing daily! Carrie, thank you for continuing to keep everyone posted! U are a phenominal sister!! Can't wait to see u A! Very soon u will be home w/ friends, family, work and of course th love of ur life...ur baby girl! Hugs ~
