Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 2 of Rehab

We think that the night went well with Adam in his "new bed." It has a netting around the bed so that it can keep him in! So we're pretty sure that he slept well and behaved last night. He had another full day of therapy and must have been a bit tired because he did nap a few times in between therapies. His balance is getting a lot better! He sometimes forgets to pay attention to what he is doing and that's when he starts getting unsteady. Otherwise though, he is doing wonderful. He was joking around with his therapists today, the normal Adam! Mom came in tonight and asked what was new, and I looked at Adam and said, "What's new?" He replied..."I want to go home." Big surprise there! He was also pretty obsessed with Bdubs tonight, so Bdubs has been promised to him! He's going to be spoiled by the time we're done! They set a tentative discharge date of April 20th! All this will depend on how he does obviously. Seems like April 20th is very far away, but really thats only 19 days so he's got some work to do! He physically seems to be doing wonderful, so please pray that his brain starts healing just as well! I think this will probably be the last thing to come around, but it has to be frustrating to feel ok, but not know that your brain is a little behind! I finally got to pose with my bro today! It's going up in a frame! Thanks for all your continued support and prayers!!


  1. Lookin' good Adam. It was so nice to spend time with you last night. Keep up the great progress, we're all so proud of you.

  2. WONDERFUL photo, Carrie!!! We can see how very proud you are of Adam. Keep up the good work Adam, you're lookin' great!!!

    Kathy Cook

  3. So glad to see Adam looking soooo good. And the family picture is appreciated by us. I'm putting it on the fridge, along with some other folks that we pray for all the time...Adam, an old friend once told me this, and I use it a lot...KEEP ON KEEPING ON....and I know you will work hard to be the best Adam there is...hugs, and Easter blessings, Bill & Pat Rubrake Heinbaugh
