Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nearing 4 weeks...

I cannot even believe that we are nearing the 4 week mark! It's been an unexpected, emotional, and miraculous journey up to this point. I am so very thankful for where Adam has come in just 4 weeks. And I'm so excited to see where Shepherd's Center will take him in the next few weeks. As the days grow closer for him to go, I'm sad, but glad all the same. He's going to get some of the best treatment that this country has to offer and I'm so grateful for this opportunity for him. Even if he doesn't understand all of it yet. Today we had a family meeting where each group of therapist shared with us his progress and his needed areas of improvement. They each recommended that Shepherd's Center is the absolute best place for him and that he will greatly benefit from being there. He was very frustrated because he felt that we weren't giving him a choice, we weren't telling him anything about his place, etc. So today the occupational therapist took him to the computer and went through the website with him so that he could see where he's going. He also wants to get out of the hospital, so tomorrow, he'll be going with one of the therapists to the store and out to eat. Even though he really just wants to spend his time going home and sitting on his couch, I think this will be a great chance for him to get out of the walls of the hospital for a while. We went up and looked at the Samaritan today. Pictures to follow. This evening, he spent some time with Sadie and then we went outside and sat by the fountain at Parkview that was just filled with water today. It was such a relaxing and beautiful evening. Adam got to visit with Ryan, his daughter Kelsey, and Rodney tonight. He enjoyed his time with the two of them. He really is doing wonderful. He's walking to the majority of his destinations, reasoning (in his stubborn way) and continues to improve his memory little by little. Thank you all for keeping us in your prayers. Especially pray that this weekend isn't too hard on him. He's ready to get out and I hope that he has lots of visitors to occupy his time. Thanks to everyone for all the time you have committed to him and to our family. You'll never know how much it means to us!

1 comment:

  1. We're all still here rooting you on Adam!! You are a walking, talking miracle in the flesh. There will only be more and more wondrous happenings as you continue on in your journey!

    Please know how very proud we all are of you and your family. You are all truly one in a million!!

    Best Wishes Now and Always!
