Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today was a good day for Adam. Dad and Jake and Dewayne spent the day going through most of his therapy. Mom and Jodi spent the evening with him then. Adam said tonight that he got to make biscuits today!! However, no one got to taste them, so I'm not sure if they really tasted that good! Ha! They say that Adam has actually been sleeping pretty good the last few nights! Today the doctor came in and told Adam that he would be going to Atlanta, Georgia to the Shepherd Center for additional rehab. They specialize in brain injury. This center will allow him to drive, swim, and actually go out into the community and figure out how to live as an adult. I know he thinks that he can do that already, but he has a bit of a ways to go. He will have a variety of therapies and they are more specific to the things he likes. He'll have therapy from 8a-2p daily and then they have activities for him in the evening. He'll live in a dormitory type setting with supervision. The first day the family will be able to go through therapy with him and after that, they do not suggest family participate. Dad and him will be flying down on the morning of Tuesday, April 20th. They will fly via air ambulance. The rest of us may visit on weekends and here and there, but Dad will be staying with him while he's there. He is a bit upset about having to go because he is ready to go home. While this was a very difficult decision to make, we believe this is the absolute best thing for him. This will hopefully get him functioning on his own. He'll for sure be ready to come home after all this. I will be getting a journal to send with Adam that will allow for everyone to write him well wishes. We'll give him this after he gets to Atlanta. So with all this said, if you'd like to see Adam and spend sometime with him, please make sure to get up there before Tuesday morning! He could be gone up to 6 to 8 weeks. It will all depend on his progress! Pray that he continue to improve and that he has patience with the fact that he can't come home yet. Pray also for his daughter, Sadie, and him as it will be hard on the both of them that Adam will be gone and won't be able to see each other for a while. Pray for safe travel. And please pray for our family. It is going to be really hard not to see him and see his daily progress. Dad will be our eyes! I'll just provide the commentary!! You all have been so faithful in praying for us and we appreciate it! Thanks for everything that everyone has done! The support of this community, Adam's friends and family, and even those we don't know have been wonderful! Thank you!A fresh hair cut and shave never hurt anyone, looking good!


  1. For those of you that don't have Facebook, here is a short blurb on what I found tonight when I arrived for my evening with Adam.

    I entered the elevator and Jake appeared, held the door and said "you might want to wait on your son". Adam appeared on two feet, having just finished a walk outside with Jake and DeWayne. He looked great today, had shaved (finally) and had his "buzz" hairdo back.

    Later Jody showed up and we watched the movie "Wild Hogs" or something like that. We took a stroll (with Adam back in his dreaded wheel chair) down to the cafeteria so Jody and I could get a bite to eat. Adam spent most of the meal telling Jody what exactly he does at work and he included the "gorey" (sp?) part of working with body parts.... gross.....

    We then headed back up to the room, finished the movie, he tried to be a smarty pants a couple of times by dancing for us. He managed to do it without landing on anything but his feet.

    It will be hard to see him go on his next journey, however, I feel in my heart it is best for him, he may not see that now, or understand, but hopefully that will come in time.

    God Bless everyone!

  2. Glad to hear Adam is doing so well! I am sure it will be hard on everyone involved for him to be away. :( Just think how fantastic he will be when he gets back home! I will be praying for him and I look forward to your daily updates. LET'S GO ADAM!!! (I wonder if he will pick up a Southern Accent, fall in love with grits and sweet tea or turn into an SEC fan?)


  3. Good luck on the trip Adam!


  4. Good Luck Adam, you will be in my prayers daily as well as your family. Love ya more and always. T

  5. I know sending him to further therapy was a tough choice knowing that Adam would be against it. Someday he will thank you all for it. Our prayers will continue for all of you. Keep up the good work, Adam!!! You will be home in no time! And thanks, Carrie, for keeping us all up-to-date on his progress.


  6. Thanks for the updates. Prayers continue to be sent to your family. Hang in there Adam. Work will be here when you get back!

    Amy Lippe

  7. We're still with all of you 150%. Take care of yourselves, travel safely, and know you are all in our thoughts and prayers each and every day.

    Adam - you're doing so great. This next step is necessary, but I'm sure scary and frustrating none the less. The doctors and nurses have taken such great care of you so far. Trust in them to know this is the right next step.

    Mike - travel safely as well. Take care of you as you watch over Adam.

    Cathy, Carrie, and Jake - take care of yourselves also. This will likely be a very difficult time for you, but know Mike is there and will keep you up to date frequently I'm sure.

    He's doing great and God truly has worked one of His many beautiful miracles right before your eyes.

    Hugs from Oregon...
