Wednesday, April 21, 2010

First day of rehab...again!

So today was technically Adam's first day of rehab. His day started with occupational therapy. Adam said they asked him a bunch of questions about what he likes to do, where he likes to go, etc. He also had some physical therapy and I believe some speech therapy. Since Dad doesn't get to go through therapy with him, it's kind of hard to know what all he does unless he tells us. Dad was able to eat lunch with him though. They did go to Chili's tonight for dinner. Adam had a big 'ole hamburger! He said it was soooo good! Tomorrow is their market night so they will be taking them off campus to the market to get his groceries for the week. He also met with a psychologist today. That will also be part of his program there. I know he's ready to come home, but he will in due time! It's really hard to hear him say that, but we know in our hearts he's in the right place. I pray with all my heart that this place will help him get back to 100%, maybe even 110%. He misses his Sadie dearly and I know that she brings comfort to him. So continue to pray everyone! His contact information is as below. He can have visitors from 11:30-12:20 for lunch during the week and then after 5pm on the weekdays. On the weekends he can have visitors after 10am. I know a few of you have mentioned going down to visit. If you plan to do so, please let dad know you are coming. He has outtings throughout the week and on the weekends and if they know you are coming, you can tag along for those outtings. You will have to pay your way, but they allow you to be involved!
Mr. Adam Schrader
Shepherd Pathways
1942 Clairmont Road
Decatur, GA 30033
I'm headed down tomorrow and will arrive on Friday! Can't wait to be able to see where he's staying and what this place is like. Updates to come! Thanks all!
A note from Dad...
The day started with a light breakfast at the hotel.
I was picked up by Enterprise and taken to their car lot to rent my car. I am now driving a Chevrolet, Oveo. it’s a small car, and gets me there.
You can get lost and turned around easily here. The streets go every direction and you can loose your sense of direction.
Had lunch with Adam today 11:30 to 12:20. Took him some Taco Bell. He was still complaining about what and how they are doing his therapy….he does however, talk about his the people in his group and has met a afro-american who is from Gary, Indiana. He has been here for 2 months and is leaving Friday and that started another conversation…. It was time for his next class and he got up and went with the group, then called me and said sorry I walked away from you! He says some of his therapists are nice and there are some that he is not to fond of already.
And pictures...


  1. Miss u already Adam! You will do geat and be 110% in no time!!

  2. Dear Adam,
    I am sure time will not go as fast for you as it does for an old woman like me, but just be good and do what they want you to do and before you know it, you will be home and with that little Sadie and your family. We are praying for your healing process.
    June Besson

  3. Hey Adam, It sounds like you had a pretty full first day! Could someone post what area restaurants are close by so we can send gift cards for Adam and his dad?!!
    Thanks. Praying for a speedy recovery. Do as your told Adam and they will get you out of there in no time!Miss you! Mandy

  4. Thanks everyone for your words of support and really helps even though you're not here! :-)))
    I am feeling very good...pretty much myself again...including my mouthiness. :):):):) My shoulder is healing nicely! I am very close to having full range of motion for extended periods, but the pain gets to be too much at full I a limited to how often I go full range.
    The therapists are analyzing everything, and makig issues of aspects that have not changed...which is VERY frustrating!!
    I have not slept well for two weeks now, due to mattress conditions and being 'shadowed'...I will be requesting some changes soon as I cannot and will not continue to feel sleep deprived on a daily basis!
    On a positive note, I have more independence and more activities to get my mind and body away from the issues. That being said, I rode 1.40 miles on a stationary bike for a test this morning...though I was stationary and in therapy, the exercise and mind-time to myself felt so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Again...want to thank everyone!!! Everyone has helped me stay grounded. I really want to be home is where I belong!!!!!!!!
    I want to say HIIIIII to my Ms. Sadie...she is sooo much fun...I miss her so much!!! And Hi to my family...thank you for your support!!!!!!!

    Take Care,

  5. Hi Adam!! So great hearing from you!! Sounds like there may be some adjustment, but that you're doing fine. Hang tough...I admire your strength and determination. You must be one head-strong fella!! Work hard and rest when you need to. Everyone back here at home is thinking of you and wishing you the very best, always!!!

