Friday, April 2, 2010

Come Get Me!

So today started with a phone call from Adam! The phone rang at about a quarter til 8 this morning. I picked it up not knowing who it was, and I hear "Carrie, come get me out of here, I'm going nuts. They won't let me do anything. They keep me in a cage!" Apparently he doesn't like his "cage" of a bed and tried getting out of there this morning! He caught on! Was so glad to hear his voice, but it was so unexpected! But great all the same! His therapy went well again today. Dad thinks his memory is getting a little better and I agree. He seems to remember more stuff, but still has some issues remembering other things. Late this evening Dad and I rolled him outside with Miss Sadie and he got to sit outside and enjoy the nice weather. I think it was good for him to just get out the walls of the hospital. I think it did him some good. When we came back in, we were greeted by more visitors and some great food that Shannon and Joey Herron made for our family! Thanks so much guys! The food was WONDERFUL! I need recipes! Sadie and I stayed until about 8 pm tonight and then I took her home. Adam asked if he could come with me at first and I told him no, not til the doctors say. Then he asked if I was coming back tonight, :-( Made me sad. Unfortunately, I have to work 12 hours tomorrow, so my patients will probably thank me for the sleep I'll get! Still broke my heart to tell him no. He said, "Well what am I going to do. I'll be bored." He must be getting better, right? He's doing wonderful everyone and it's because of the prayers of so many people. People we probably don't even know who have been praying for us. THANK YOU! You will never know how much everything means to us! The cards, prayers, meals, visits, all of it. It means the world! I'm leaving you with a family photo tonight! Thanks all!


  1. A side note to Carrie's post:

    Adam quietly told me tonight that they have "kicked his a_ _ two days in a row. He's doing so well. Aunt Carla and I are going to join him with his short therapy tomorrow. He will be done after lunch and have the rest of the weekend to rest up.

    It's been a long two weeks in some ways, in other ways the days seem to fly by. But, I do know I/We couldn't have made it without all the prayers and support from EVERYONE, family, friends and friends of all 3 kids, and the Community.

    As Carrie has said, we can't "Thank You" enough.

    To Mike, Jake, Carrie, and Adam too, I "Love You" and can't be more proud of you and thankful for your help, support, and patience during this time.

    Our hearts and prayers will be with ALL of you this Easter weekend.

  2. WOW!!! What a wonderful, meaningful family pic! Again Carrie, you've made me certainly know how to pull at the heart-strings, Girl!!

    Sometimes in life we just don't know how very fortunate we truly are. Your family has exhibited such strength and love that there is absolutely nothing that can possibly stop Adam now!! He is and will continue to just get stronger and better and more stable as the days go by!! With you all by his side, there are only great things that will happen for him!


  3. Way to go Adam.. keep up the good work.. Just got done talking with Cathy.. and you are doing awesome! So proud of you and want you to know that you are in our hearts and we're praying for all of you and your family.. That little Sadie is getting so big and she's beautiful! Keep up that awesome work with rehab and stay out of trouble!

  4. As he gets better, prayers continue, especially since we can't do more than that from all the way out here in Oregon. We love that family photo. One to treasure indeed.

    Have a wonderful and safe Easter weekend, Schrader family, and know we're with you in spirit and prayer, each and every day. God bless you all.

  5. Each time I log on I read about amazing progress! Each task you complete is another stop toward getting out of there. Keep working hard!

    To: Cathy, Mike, Jake and Carrie: Adam has the best support group he could have. Hang in there. Your love makes him stronger every day.

    To all the family and friends who have visited, cooked, cleaned, etc. Your time with Adam, Cathy, Mike, Carrie & Jake has helped them through this. Thank you for everything!

    God Bless you all.
