Sunday, April 11, 2010

Adam continues to amaze me day by day! He's doing so well and I know he's bored out of his mind at the hospital, but he'll be out of there before he knows it. He's just so lucky to be alive and still be himself! Today started at about 3:30am for Adam when he was still up and at it! The family all received texts saying "please come get me." And I'm pretty sure that family extends to quite a few friends as well! He finally went to sleep about 4am and Mom spent the morning and early afternoon with him. Then the rest of us showed up and celebrated Mom's birthday with some Buffalo Wings and Ribs and some fruit and cake. Adam had lots of visitors today which was good for him! The more the better, I think it keeps him busy and occupied! He was tired by 7:30-8pm and he got a shower and then layed down. Dad left about 9:30pm and he was still awake, but laying down. Thank you all for the blessings of friendship and of your prayers! It humbles me everyday to know that Adam is here, mostly himself, and that his recovery has been so quick. It's crazy to think that he may be discharged 31 days after his accident. That is NOTHING short of a miracle! Keep praying that he continues to improve and will be ready to go by his tentative discharge date of April 20th. If not, we may have a hard time getting him to stay!!! And last but not least for the day...Happy Birthday Mom!


  1. Adam,
    You keep up the good work. We all know you are bored and want to be home, but also you need to listen to the professionals and you will be home before you know it. We know that God has answered so many people's prayers and still is. Tell your mom Happy Birthday for me. We are thankful you were still with us to celebrate it with her. Be good!!!!!!!
    June Besson & Family

  2. I am good friends with Joel and Shannon Lemmon. I was a good friend of Chrystal's but we lost touch when she and Adam split. I don't know u carrie but I just want to praise you for all you have done for Adam. He is extremely lucky to have such a caring sister!!! Your entire family has been in my prayers as well as little Sadie. Adam you are an inspiration to all and you get better so you can be home with your little girl who I'm sure misses you sooo very much!! I am soo thankful that Joel followed his hunch and found Adam. God works in wonderful ways.
