Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Praise the Lord!

Just got word from Mom and the trauma doc came around and said since he was trying to pull the breathing tube out to take it out. So...they did! Apparently he started talking! He told my brother that he had a headache :-) He spit on a nurse already (bad brother!) and gave them an ok sign when they asked for a thumbs up! But we'll take it! As you can see he's up to his ornery self! Will write more later, but wanted to update everyone! Thanks for the prayers...they have obviously been heard! Keep them coming!


  1. God is good! It won't be long and he'll be back to his old tricks!

  2. That is great!!!! We will all keep praying. As you know how the rumor and info chain works around this place, I think most everyone knows now. At least the chain was used for really great information this time.

  3. This is awesome news!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. This is great news.. Will pass on the good news and we'll keep praying that this recovery keeps going good :) Way to go Adam!

  5. Wonderful news; the prayers continue for a full and speedy recovery. Take care and hugs all around...

  6. That is great news. He sounds like he's on his way to his recovery. Be patient. God will heal in His time. Bob.

  7. That is awesome!!! Keep it up Adam! We will keep praying for you.

    Adam Hurley

  8. Great News to hear!!! God is good.

  9. Awesome!! He's on the rebound!

  10. Mike Cathy and Family
    We will continue to Pray for all of you as this is the time that we are so Thankful that we have the Lord to help hold us up and give us the strength that we need. Adam is a very strong and determind young man and the Lord must have more for him to do. You are ALL so BLESSED. If there is anything that we can do PLEASE don't hesitate to call
    Prayers and Blessings
    Ora and Sharon Simmons

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