Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Dad spent the night last night. Said Adam slept pretty well. Tried getting out of bed around 3 and took a little spill, but didn't bump anything so that was good. Went back to bed after that, then around 7 they came in and got his breakfast order and then Occupational therapy (OT) got him up and evaluated him getting washed up in the bathroom. By the time 10 am rolled around, he was tired and fell asleep sitting up in the chair. This afternoon OT worked on loosening up his shoulder a bit and did some exercises for that. Speech therapy (ST) worked with him, most of the things he did well, but had a hard time remembering things. She also had him do some basic math (addition and subtraction) and he did really really well. She said that looking at the evaluation that they did in STICU and where he's at now, he's definitely improving! So the long road ahead continues! Physical therapy (PT) worked with him and walked him around the unit several times today. Worked on some balance exercises because he's definitely a little unsteady! Sadie's headed up for a visit this evening with Papaw and Mamaw. I'll head home then and let them hang out and sit with Adam. He seems to be less restless today than in earlier days. He really, really wants Pizza Hut right now, so Mom and Dad are making an impromptu stop! I'm sure I'll have more later and when I get home I'll post a picture!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
And Tomorrow it begins!
Mom was the gait keeper today! I'm sure she had her hands full! This morning Adam needed to go to the bathroom and while he was on the toliet, decided to fall off it! And bump went his head! So Mr. Schrader (notice the name change!) went down for a CT of the head, and it was ok. Thank You Lord! So after all that, Adam got moved to the fourth floor. On the rehab unit. He's now in 1420. He'll go through rehab from 8:30a-3:30p daily (Monday - Saturday). He'll do about 3 hours of rehab during that time, and will have breaks in between. Tomorrow night we'll actually get a schedule of his day. Tonight when he got to his new room, he had a whole room full of visitors for a while. The Rumsyre's visited again, and guess what...Adam Schrader is in the exact same room as was Adam Rumsyre. I think it's a Godly coincidence yet again and can only mean great things! Then again God doesn't do coincidences, so it's a God thing! It was nice to see the Rumsyres' and once again, they were able to give us all the inside scoops to the rehab floor. So thankful to have them there for our move! After everyone left, Jake, Dad and I took Adam for a walk. He did pretty well but complains of being dizzy and unsteady. He definitely walks like he's had a couple too many, but I know that with time and rehab, he'll come around. After that, even though he was beat, he wanted to take a shower, so that's what we did. Jake and Dad were in the shower helping him. He did really well, but it kicked his butt! He looked exhausted by the time he was done. Dad said after Jake and I left the nurse came in and told Adam it was bedtime, made a bed for dad and they laid down. We'll see how long they actually stayed down! Ha! So many steps he's taken and so many ahead, but for now, he's doing great and that's all we could ask for! A special thanks tonight to Nathon Sievers who has been diligently letting our dogs out and playing with them during our long days at the hospital. Also a thanks to him and his parents, Mark and Penny Sievers who have been keeping watch over the place! We appreciate it. Also a thanks to Joey and Shannon Herron for keeping an eye on things at Adam's house and getting his mail! He's very lucky to have all of you in his life, as are we! Thanks Again! (And I forgot a picture today, but tomorrow I plan on getting LOTS of him during rehab!)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Rehab day #1
Thanks to Rodney and Dewayne for spending the night/early morning with Adam! We appreciate it! When I got up to the hospital this morning, they had just put him back to bed. He got to see Sadie for about an hour, hour and a half. He was excited to see her, I think she was a little scared seeing his incision. At first she was really timid, but warmed up and ate a cookie with Adam! After that she was fine and started running around the room. Today's photo is of Adam and Sadie and their cookie time. He walked with physical therapy in the afternoon and did a great job. They stopped with him and had him sit down half way through and when he sat down he said, "did you guys need to rest?" Ha! He did very well. He's quick out of his bed too, so you really have to watch him! I had to jump up several times to get to him! They are talking about maybe transferring him to rehab tomorrow. Super quick, but it'll be good to get him moving! They said he'll have multiple hours of rehab each day, so he'll be busy, but maybe that will wear him out a bit and help him to get some sleep! His short term memory isn't very good, forgets things really easy then asks the same questions over and over and over again! Speech therapy will do some work with him to help him with that though. Tonight Jake's spent the evening with him and brought him a blizzard that he said he'd eat half of, and before we knew it, the blizzard was gone!!! He wanted to walk in the hallway, so Jake and Uncle Joel took him for a walk tonight and said he did well. Today when I told him that Uncle Joel is the one who found him after his accident, he said "Oh, really? I'll have to thank him." So Uncle Joel, if he forgot, let me say it a hundred plus times, THANK YOU. He's here because of you! Dad is sitting with him now and I just got word that he pulled his IV out, so that's gone now too. The nurses said he's doing just absolutely wonderful! I'm so grateful to everyone for their constant prayers and thoughts for Adam. If Adam isn't an example of a miracle, I don't know what is! Thank you! Dad is spending the night tonight with Adam, so I'm sure he'll have stories to tell in the morning. I'm going back to work tomorrow, so expect a later post like today! But thanks for tuning in to see how he's doing! He'll enjoy reading this when he's better!

Sunday, March 28, 2010
We Moved! Room 1512
Adam had a pretty good day! The CT results showed minimal change. Said that the blood in his head is starting to lessen a bit, but not much. Said it will take time though, maybe even months. He slept most of the afternoon, but around 5pm they got him up for dinner and then they ended up transferring him to room 1512. He's up on the 5th floor now in Neuro, Ortho, Trauma. My dad said that when he first woke up he was joking around and acting like Adam! The longer he's up though, the more tired he gets. He will require a sitter for a while. Tonight his good friend, Rodney, will be staying with him. And in the morning a family friend of ours, Dewayne, will sit with him for a bit before we get there. Then hopefully we'll be able to put together a list to keep someone here with him until he stops picking at things! If anyone is interested in sitting with him, just let my dad know at 260-609-8719. We're thinking he might get his catheter out tomorrow, which would be a wonderful thing! That way he stops picking at it. Sadie and I are going to come up for a visit in the morning so that he can finally see her. He's been asking for her! Alright, it's been another day of progress, which we are so very thankful for! Hopefully we'll get him rehabbing in no time and get him home! Thanks again for those prayers! Keep them coming! A huge thanks to Rodney and Dewayne for taking the time to sit with him, we appreciate it!
Apparently Adam was a little restless last night so they got him up to the chair sometime after 3am. They made him stand and pivet to the chair, the nurse said he did well. Then later this morning, they took him down for a CT scan of his head again and he actually got to go in the wheelchair! When they returned him to his room, they stopped the wheelchair at the door and made him walk to his bed...the nurse said he was a bit unsteady, but did well! Don't have the results of the scan yet, but will let everyone know later today! As for now we're off to the hospital, with a stop first to get Adam something to do...magazines, games or something...I think he's bored! Anyways, they said that visitors are good for Adam, but if he's asleep to allow him to sleep, so that's all we ask! Couldn't get mom and dad home last night cause Adam was just chit chatting away, so mom and dad didn't get home until about 10:30pm! Has to be a good sign! Thanks for those prayers!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
A day for rest
Adam was pretty tired today. Slept on and off, but is so antsy that it's hard to get him to actually settle down and sleep! But did get a really good 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon! He told Grandpa this morning that he felt like h*ll...I would too brother if I were you! His right shoulder seems to be bothering him a lot and I just keep making sure that they are medicating him well so that he's staying comfortable. He ate most of his meals today which is good because they are talking that if he doesn't eat better then they many have to place a PEG tube to feed him through until he starts eating more! Go figure, most of us need to loose weight and Adam needs to gain it! Ha! He's never been a super big eater anyways, but maybe his little sis will spoil him with some Pizza Hut tomorrow?! Went to Target today, and before I left, I went to Adams room because dad was sitting with him and asked dad if he needed anything. Adam immediately asked "where you going?" I said I'm going to Target, do you need anything. He responded "I don't have anything to do, I'll go." Broke my heart that I couldn't take him to Target with me! He then told me he didn't need anything and asked dad if he needed anything! Such a thoughtful person through all of this! Jake went to Bdubs tonight with a few friends and told the manager that Adam had been in an accident and that he used to be at Bdubs weekly. The manager gave Jake a Tshirt and baseball cap and told him that they would keep Adam in their prayers and that everybody at Bdubs would be pulling for him and waiting for him to come back! So very awesome! It's hard to believe a week has passed. It was hard to be out with friends tonight knowing that he couldn't be out too, or that he wasn't enjoying a normal 30 year old's Saturday night! I'm very thankful though that he'll be able to have many more, I'm just ready for him to be home! So pray for that LONG recovery ahead, it's going to be hard for all of us, family and friends included! And I think I'm off to relax a bit...so in the words of Adam..."Be careful!" (He has been saying this to everyone as they leave his room!) *No picture today, his sister forgot to snap one!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
A Late Night Post!
Below is a picture from today, he looks amazing! Wants to come home, but is doing well! Has asked about Sadie off and on today, so I promised that we'd get her there as soon as he was out of ICU!

Also, he was extremely exhausted today. I think we have overwhelmed him a bit and we ask that tomorrow, Saturday, that we limit visits to family. We think that a good day of rest will do him good. He's done so well that it's hard to think that he's overwhelmed, but he just looked absolutely exhausted today. We'll be at the hospital and will have pictures to show if anyone would like to come show support, but we just ask that tomorrow be his day of rest, so hopefully when he gets out of ICU he'll be ready for some more visits! Thanks everyone! You're prayers and support have been beyond amazing!

Another step forward
Adam took another step forward this morning. When Jake asked how he was this morning, he said he felt like S*^t. Then when we went back to see him around 12:30, he was wide awake. His right eye was open all the way and his left eye was slightly opened. He was talking and I got to feed him. He actually fed himself when I gave him his spoon! Asked if he wanted a blizzard and he said yeah so Mom went and got him and I blizzards and we're going to have them this afternoon! He couldn't tell me he was at Parkview, but when I told him he was at Parkview Hospital, he said Parkview in Fort Wayne? He asked about Sadie and asked why I was holding out on him. Explained to him that she couldn't come into intensive care, but when he went to his regular room, that she could visit him. He was okay with that then. We talked a little bit about the accident, but he told me he wasn't in an accident. But you could see his head turning trying to figure out what had happened. I also showed him some pictures from after the accident, and he just said "wow." I just got back from helping him eat his blizzard, he had been asking about it for a while before it got here! He ate about half of it! I turned his TV on to baseball on ESPN this afternoon and he said, "ESPN, I watched that yesterday. Chicago Baby." Guess I'm going to have to take him to a Cubs game when this is all done and over with! Maybe we'll have to get a bus full of people to go!! Another good day at Parkview, it's amazing the steps he's taking! He's still in ICU today, said that they would move him, if they needed the bed, but as of right now, he's still chillin' in ICU! Many thanks to all the generous people who have helped with monetary support while we've been here. To the people and organizations who have helped start and given to the fund that was started for Adam. I know he can't comprehend it yet, but he thanks you. And we, as a family thank you for everything everyone has done, especially those prayers. We are surrounded by an amazing community! Not sure if we'll ever be able to say enough thank you's, but thank you!!
I'll post a picture later when I get home...it's like night and day difference from yesterday!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Many Thanks!
Many thanks to Tammy, Adam & Zach Rumsyre for coming up to the hospital today and sharing their experience with my parents and I. They gave us ideas of what to expect throughout this whole process and shared about "their" Adam's experience in STICU. It was such an odd feeling when they walked back to see "our" Adam and we realized that both Adam's were in the same room. God must watch over 1109 very well! It had to have taken a lot of courage for them to come back to the hospital where the whole experience happened for them and we thank them for sharing their story. This could not have been easy for them, but was very helpful for my parents and I and I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their kindness and willingness to come share! You are a wonderful family! THANK YOU TAMMY, ADAM & ZACH RUMSYRE!
Also I forgot to share with you about something earlier...today Adam's nurse was talking about his little girl, Sadie, to him and she said, she (Sadie) must really miss you. And Adam replied "Yeah I miss her too." Keep Sadie in your prayers as she hasn't heard Adam's voice for a week now, and I pray that she doesn't forget how much her "Dada" loves and misses her. Can't wait for Adam to come around and for his "boo boo" to get better so Miss Sadie can see him!
Also I forgot to share with you about something earlier...today Adam's nurse was talking about his little girl, Sadie, to him and she said, she (Sadie) must really miss you. And Adam replied "Yeah I miss her too." Keep Sadie in your prayers as she hasn't heard Adam's voice for a week now, and I pray that she doesn't forget how much her "Dada" loves and misses her. Can't wait for Adam to come around and for his "boo boo" to get better so Miss Sadie can see him!
Hey all! Sorry that this post is so late in the day again! It's amazing how quickly these days go! Adam hasn't had a whole lot of change today. He ate his entire breakfast this morning while sitting up in a chair. The nurse said he spent the entire time trying to figure out how to get his seatbelt off! Trying to get out already! I mentioned Bdubs to him today and he rubbed his tummy! It was cute! I was also telling him about something and he responded with "No Sh*t!" I thought "really brother, you want to get mouthy with me already!?!" Ha! Most of the afternoon he was pretty restless so they gave him some Darvocet to help with his pain. I also suggested that they try propping him on his side since he sleeps in fetal position at home. Once they moved him, he seemed to be a bit more content. He slept a lot more today than he has in earlier days, but I'm thinking he needed some rest and some of his pain might be wearing him out a bit! The nurses told us that he would have days when was really active and days when he'd be more tired and sleep a lot. Must have been one of those days for him. He did open his eyes today, but they still consider him to be in a coma. Apparently he opened his eyes when they turned on the lights in his room, then shut them again! The neuro surgeon came in this morning and had him open his eyes (probably helped him a bit) and asked how many fingers he was holding up. He said the right number, but wasn't able to tell them if his vision was blurry. Guessing he just needs a few more days! They've talked about possibly moving him to a neuro floor tomorrow, said he'd need a sitter so it'll just depend if they have one. Thanks for everyones prayers, it's amazing to see how God is working through all this. Also thanks for all the visitors again today! It's great to see that Adam has such wonderful friends!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A note before bed...Adam seemed to be doing really well today. He was in my thoughts all day during work and I was glad to finally get back to the hospital to see for myself all the steps he took today! I asked him what his sister's name was tonight...he said Carrie. I also asked him about Jake and he knew his name too! He's definitely improving, but I know he has many more days that lie ahead of him. Pray that God gives him the rest he needs to help his brain heal! He did said "Whatzzzz up!" tonight to Rodney. And asked for a five! I got nuckles from him! :-) His speech is getting much better and I really think he's starting to connect things! Absolutely amazing! He got to hear his daughter's voice via recording tonight, and I think he liked that, moved his head a lot when I played it. He also ate his first meal tonight since his late night pizza on Friday. It consisted of pureed corn and turkey breast (YUCK!) and don't forget the hospital pudding! He spit out the pudding, but ate the pureed corn in the shape of a corn on the cob! Drank almost all of his Sprite and some milk! Tomorrow I think I'll take him some Snack Pack pudding...there's a difference, don't let anyone tell you that hospital pudding is pudding...it's not! We all came home tonight to get some rest. It was time and the nurses are taking such great care of him that it was our turn to rest our heads for the night. I worry about him, but know that he'll be ok until tomorrow morning! Adam is so very lucky to have the friends that he does! Everyday I am amazed by the love that is being poured out over Adam and our family. Thank you!

Below is his updated picture for today, looking good!

Another great day so far!!!
Jake here today for Carrie while she's at work. Adam was relatively unchanged throughout the night. His temperature came down a little and he was on pain meds for the majority of the night for his headache. Said a couple times "that's weird." Wouldn't let me hold his hand but was okay with my hand on his arm! Typical Adam...too macho for that! :) This morning the docs saw him and they have no majors changes for him right now. Want to let him recover a little more before they move him to an acute floor. He also got a visit from therapy. They sat him up in bed and was able to balance himself with some help. They wanted to stand him up but he told them "no." Defiant as usual! :) They then put him in a chair and while there he pulled at his restraints, wrestled with me trying to get his feeding tube out, (apparently he already pulled it out once today) and was crossing his legs and trying to push himself up in the chair to get more comfy. Hasn't talked much to us but the staff says he's a little easier to understand today. Hasn't opened his eyes yet, but I'm certain it's coming, when he's ready. Thanks again for everyone's support and prayers, they're certainly helping! That's all for now...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Leaps forward!
So as seen in the earlier post this morning, the breathing tube came out. They said if they didn't take it out, he would, so out it came. He's not awake yet and they still consider him in a coma at this time, but he's mumbling words, some things make sense, others do not. He's asked for a Pepsi and asked where he was. He got a kiss on the cheek from a friend and when she pulled away, he said "come here." Up to his old tricks already! He looks good today and is making progress. Pray for him to wake up, but only when his brain is good and ready! He's such a fighter and it's amazing to see what all your prayers have done! God is good! So wonderful to hear his voice! After all those years of him beating me up, I can honestly tell you, I've never been so glad to hear his voice!!!
Praise the Lord!
Just got word from Mom and the trauma doc came around and said since he was trying to pull the breathing tube out to take it out. So...they did! Apparently he started talking! He told my brother that he had a headache :-) He spit on a nurse already (bad brother!) and gave them an ok sign when they asked for a thumbs up! But we'll take it! As you can see he's up to his ornery self! Will write more later, but wanted to update everyone! Thanks for the prayers...they have obviously been heard! Keep them coming!
Monday, March 22, 2010
No Adam, No!
This afternoon they removed his arterial line and also changed his "craney" cap (his head dressing) and pulled the tube that was draining blood from his head. Then this evening when Ryan came to visit I had been telling him that Adam had just been a wild man all day, and of course Adam wasn't moving, trying to prove his sister wrong, yet again! Anyways, before we know it Adam is reaching for his breathing tube. He couldn't quite get to it, but as we were walking out, I told the lady at the desk, "you might want to watch him, he seems to be wanting to pull at his tube." And guess what...my next words were "No, Adam, No!" as I went running to his room to remove his hand from his breathing tube! A good sign I suppose! Now it's time to just open those eyes brother!
At a few requests. I have attached a photo of Adam. It's day #3 post accident. He is actually looking better. Hope that it's not too graphic.

Wow, where have the days gone!
Hey everyone! Sorry this post is so late in the day. It seems like the days just fly by up here at the hospital. Aunt Carla and I spent the night last night (aunt, niece bonding time) while Mom and Dad got some much needed sleep at home. Adam did well through the night, no changes, but still holding his own. When Carla and I went in to see him this morning he was trying to sit up in bed, pulling at his restraints and bending his knees up towards his chest. The neuro surgeon was there at the time and discussed his scan with us. He said that he had another clot on the left side of the brain where he had preformed his first surgery. And some new bleeding on the right side of his brain. However, he said that he had such a hard time stopping the bleeding the first time he had surgery that he didn't feel that he'd do him any justice by going in and messing with his head again. He said he's moving so well right now that he doesn't want to mess with his brain and potentially cause more problems. Later in the morning, his nurse said he was hanging his head over his bedrail trying to get out of bed! They said this was a great sign! We're just waiting for him to open those eyes! But Adam's always been bullheaded, so I know that he will do it in his time, when it's right!!! Last night when Carla and I told Adam that we were going to go out to the lounge and sleep, Adam grabbed Carlas hand tighter! YAHHH! I definitely miss my brother, as many of you do. I'm ready to see his smile, hear him laugh, and get some random text messages. Keep holding him up in prayer! God does amazing things! Thanks again for everything everyone has done! You all are amazing. Also thanks to the nurses and staff at Parkview Hospital. Nothing but wonderful things to say about the care you have provided. Until next time...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Good morning everyone! As of right now there have not been any changes in his status. He's still unconscious and intubated. Not moving to commands, but moving spontaneously. The trauma doctor was around this morning and said that he was doing well. Just waiting for him to wake up now! They started feeding him through his og tube this morning. Jevity...yummmmm! The ortho doctor saw him last night and determined that his scapula is broken in his left shoulder, but at this time they do not think that they will have to do surgery because nothing is displaced, just a sling when he is awake and moving. He also has a frontal facial lobe fracture we knew about yesterday and the plastic surgeon said that they do not believe they will have to operate on this either. No displacement! He's a lucky boy that's for sure. This morning the neuro doctor saw him and discouraged us a bit, but the nurses were wonderful and assured us that things seemed to be going well. They said he's young and in good health so that's going in his favor! They also said that his recovery is going to be LONG, but little steps are good! Shortly thereafter they called and asked if someone wanted to come sit with him because he was sitting up in bed and trying to pull at his breathing tube. Tomorrow they will do another scan of his head. We will continue to update as we know more. Keep those prayers coming! Thank you to everyone who responded to the call yesterday; police officers, firefighters, first responders, EMT's, the Samaritan crew, and the list goes on: you saved his life and we will forever be grateful to you. Thank you to everyone who showed up at the hospital. Your outpouring of love is amazing and Adam is lucky to have such wonderful friends and family (and us too!) Keep praying, I know God has a plan for Adam through all this. I know he misses his little Miss Sadie and his pup Luke! I know Luke misses him and I'm sure Sadie misses hearing him tell her that her "dada loves her!"
Saturday, March 20, 2010
March 20, 2010
As many of you know Adam was in a car accident on March 20, 2010 around 3:15am while responding to a call while working with the reserves. He was air lifted to Parkview Hospital by the Samaritan. He underwent surgery around 8am to remove a blood clot on his brain brought on from a fractured skull. After surgery he was unsedated and remained unconscious but started moving his upper and lower extremities around 3pm. He still remains intubated at this time. Late this evening we found out that he had also broken his left shoulder and clavicle and they had planned to check a few other things. At this point we are unsure of when they will be fixing this. Adam's a fighter, but please continue to keep him in your prayers! Thank you to ALL who came by today and saw him, saw the family or called. Your thoughts mean the world to us and we will continue to keep you updated. I created this in the hope that we can continue to update everyone in one central location and also have a way to let Adam know how he spent his days until he wakes up.
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